

COMPOSITION: Levofloxacin 750 mg.

PACK SIZE: 10×10.


SKU: d5896a255662 Category:


Levofloxacin 750 mg – Offered by the brand name LEVOSTA-750, Levofloxacin 750 mg is helpful in the treatment of bacterial infections. This tablet is recommended by the doctors to those patients who are suffering from different types of bacterial infections. The usage of this tablet is found to be helpful in the treatment of infections of the throat, urinary tract, skin, sinus, female genital organ, lungs, and soft tissue, etc.

Levofloxacin belongs to the class of antibiotics that functions by blocking the movement or action of DNA-gyrase (bacterial enzyme). It kills the infection causing bacteria by restricting the multiplication and repairing of the bacteria. Due to its quick absorbing formula and raid release agents, it has become one of the most preferred anti-bacterial medicines available in the market.

The powerful nature of Levofloxacin 750 mg can cause some side effects if not consumed with caution. Hence, it is advised to use it as per the instructions of the physician. The user might face the issues such as Nausea, Diarrhea, Headache, Constipation, Headache, etc. with the usage of Levofloxacin 750 mg. Although, these are mild side effects that do not require imitate medical attention. But to remain on the use it as per the instructions.

Use this tablet only if you have developed the symptoms of bacterial infection. Do not use it to treat any other issue. It is highly recommended to complete the full course of using LEVOSTA-750 without skipping any dosage even if you feel better to reap out the best results. In case, you encounter issues such as itchy rash, uneven breathing, or swelling on the mouth, throat, or face, then discontinue using this tablet and immediately consult your physician.

Also, avoid consuming alcohol while using this tablet as alcohol consumption might make the symptoms worsen and will also make it difficult to treat the Infection. The user might encounter Diarrhea with the usage of Levofloxacin 750 mg. Therefore, keep your doctor informed about the same (if occurs). If you notice any pain in tendons or numbness feeling, then immediately notify your doctor.

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